Steepleview Realty - Doing Our Part.
Our new showing policy for COVID 19
Prior to Showing all Buyers, Sellers and or Buyers Agent to verify, to the best of their knowledge, that no one in their party has had exposure to anyone with the Virus or symptoms. Inform all parties they will be required to sign a form before showings
All showings will be restricted to only 6 persons including agents and all parties will observe social distancing requirements.
All occupants will be asked if possible to leave dwelling during showing time. Agent will be the only one touching surfaces, (lock box, doorknobs or light switches). All other viewers shall view the property, with "hands in the pockets (unless there is a necessity to hold onto handrails, please be safe.) The lights and doors shall then be shut & off by the Agent only. Agent shall then use a disinfectant to wipe down all handrails, doorknobs and light switches, and the lock box and key. (sanitizer available at office upon request) Masks are mandatory for all participants to wear whereas gloves can be worn at each person's discretion. Agents will recommend to Sellers Upon arrival back home to also wipe down doorknobs and light switches, handrails again, as an added safety and for seller’s peace of mind.
All other transactional business will be conducted by telephone and contracts to be signed by e-sign and delivered by email to all parties.
Other helpful links and resources to keep you updated:
Realtor Communities
SBA Loan/ Grant Program
Mass Dept of Unemployment
Energy Assesments
Mass Save does virtual home energy assessments if you have access to phone/video. They will send you energy efficient equipment in the mail after assessment. The website also has access to rebates for different efficient upgrades. For example they are giving $100 rebates on smart thermostats.
Where's your stimulus? Check here's the site to go check where it is:
Get My Payment | Internal Revenue Service › coronavirus › get-my-payment
Mass unemployment for Independent Contractors